Dallas New Era 15 Jan 1974

Shown above are Mr. Odell Vaughan, Mrs. Kate Vaughan and Mr. Buddy Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan have sold their Vaughan’s Restaurant to Mr. Barnett, who has now changed the name to The Hub House.
For seventeen years the people of Paulding County have patronized the Vaughan’s Restaurant at the Intersection of Highways 120 and 278. It has become a household expression to say, “let’s go to Vaughan’s” and, needless to say, Vaughan’s means Kate and Odell. Everyone, young, old, middle-aged or whatever age, not out of disrespect but out of love and affection for these two lovely people, says Kate or Miss Kate and Odell.

The young boys and girls who grew up going there on dates, after ball games and many other times are now carrying their children for hamburgers while mothers and daddys enjoy steaks.
Kate and Odell opened the restaurant on May 1, 1957 with a building 30 x 30, consisting of a counter, 10 stools and 4 booths. They, along with three employees, Vera Hunt, Mildred Cole and Dorothy Lanford, served their customers milk shakes, hamburgers, hot dogs and other short order food.
Three years later, after thinking they would never make enough to pay for it and with the gloomy prediction of some that they would most certainly go bankrupt, they added an addition of a kitchen and a dining room which had a seating capacity for eighty people.
The county continued to grow and Vaughan’s continued to grow. In 1971 it became the largest restaurant in in Paulding with the addition of another dining room and banquet room to seat one=hundred and thirty-four people. The three employees and themselves had now grown to twenty-five employees and yes, Kate and Odell.
Most every major club of Paulding County held their organizational meeting at Vaughan’s and continued to hold their meetings, some once a week, some twice a month and some monthly, there even now. Kate and Odell quit keeping records sometimes back as to how many wedding rehearsal suppers, bridal showers, birthday parties and other special occasions have been held there but they would number in the hundreds.
[Photo: Dallas New Era 11 Apr 1957]

Many of the young men of this county as they put it, made their first money at Vaughan’s because Kate and Odell hired them to work and gave them their opportunity. They had curb service at the restaurant from the beginning, because of lack of space, until 1971. By then there was plenty of room inside and most people had rather eat inside. It was a rare occasion when you went to Vaughan’s and didn’t see Kate or Odell. They worked sixteen hours a day and seven days a week. After Kate had a severe heart attack she was told to slow down. In addition to her restaurant work she also worked full time as County Nurse for the County Health Department. This work has now been cut to sixteen hours a week.
Kate and Odell were married on June 15, 1935. She was born and raised in Taylor County and Butler, Georgia. He was born and raised in Paulding County. They live now at Odell’s homeplace. Not the same house but on the same property. They are the parents of one son, Johnny, one darling daughter-in-law, Betty, and three very lovely grandchildren, John Jr., Susie and Jody. Kate is now 64 and Odell is 68. We are sure everyone will agree they have earned their retirement or semi-retirement. It is hard to visualize these two active people ever really retiring.
As Kate and Odell said, “They started the business together, they operated the business together and now they have sold the business together.” On January 1, 1974 the new owner, Mr. W.B. (Buddy) Barnett, took possession. The restaurant and all the lands in the triangle, which consists of the Service Station and Farmers Mutual Exchange, was sold to Buddy for an undisclosed amount.
The name of the restaurant has now been changed to “The Hub House.” As Buddy explained, it is at the hub of the county. According to Mr. Barnett he plans to do some remodeling, which has already begun. The largest dining room will be carpeted and the parking area will be enlarged. There will also be remodeling on the outside of the building. He plans to continue the noon cafeteria service. He has now added a seafood platter, more varieties of seafood and more varieties of steaks. Mr. Barnett stated that contrary to what you may have heard, he does not plan to serve any alcoholic beverages, beer or whiskey, at his restaurant. The restaurant is now open from 5 A.M. until 10 P.M. week-days and 5 A.M. until 11 P.M. on week-ends.
Mr. Barnett is certainly no newcomer to our county. Buddy, as he is known, has been here a few years but he is fairly new to the restaurant business although at one time he managed the restaurant in People’s Drug Company and owned and operated the Bus Station Café. He is also the owner of Dallas Electric and Plumbing Supply. We wish him the best of luck in the operation of his new business.
It will seem strange to go to Vaughan’s, oops, The Hub House, and not see Kate and Odell but we are sure they will still be around. They, too, have become accustomed to eating out and they, along with many others, will now be patronizing Buddy.